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My Musical History
My Musical History

Many friends ask me if my Musical Tree is just the mother's side of the family ... in this case the Lamounier.

But no, it’s not. In my father’s side, I have a very strong root too !! I would even say that my father’s side has a stronger musical tradition than my mother’s side, as you can see in the photo. I have a rich musical heritage !! And this wealth, I was fortunate enough to inherit composition techniques and interpretation of ancient Europe .... from the time of Beethoven. Actually directly from him !!

As you can see in the picture, has a letter signed by the Polish teacher Theodor Leschetizky. If you look at the second line at the beginning, you will see the name of my paternal grandfather G. v. Lammeren. For those unaware, Theodor Leschetizky was Carl Czerny's pupil; Czerny was Beethoven's pupil. If we go back to Beethoven's time, and walk up to the present day, would look like this:


  • Beethoven taught Czerny
  • Czerny taught Leschetizky,
  • Leschetizky taught my grandfather, Gijsberths van Lammeren (letter).
  • Gijsberths van Lammeren, my grandfather taught my father, Hans van Lammeren
  • Hans van Lammeren, my father taught me, André Lamounier van Lammeren.

What does that mean? Nothing !!! Because that's not what makes an artist but the message he can show to the public through his compositions !!!!